We are working hard to make Stadium even better with each new release. To prioritize our efforts and help our users to optimally use Stadium it is important to identify important limitations and issues.
Since the Stadium 6 release, applications can't continue using the implicit flow with a Client Secret anymore because the client secret would be exposed in the browser. Therefore, Stadium 6 had to change over to the Authorization Code flow (using PKCE).
This is a breaking change in applications using Single Sign-on as authentication, and which were deployed before the Stadium 6 release.
Any application that was setup in Auth0, Okta or AzureAD has to be changed in the OIDC provider itself to use the Authorization Code flow.
For Auth0 and AzureAD update the config settings. For Okta, recreate your Okta application.
Since the Stadium 6 release, custom date formats using the characters ~ \ _ don't work with the DatePicker control.
Applications that use any of the characters ~ \ _ in date formats will not return the date in the expected format.
Update date formats to not use the characters ~ \ _ .
Since the Stadium 6 release, using NavigateToPage as a means to reset the controls on the current page will not work anymore.
Controls will not be reset in applications where NavigateToPage is used to reset the controls on the current page.
Update applications to avoid using NavigateToPage to reset the controls on the current page.
Since the Stadium 6 release, Embedded file names no longer allow the characters ! # % + .
Applications that use any of the characters ! # % + in embedded file names will receive a validation error.
Update embedded file names to not use the characters ! # % + .
Since the Stadium 6 release, uninitialized Session Variables are now not initialized to null but undefined.
It will cause an issue when an uninitialized session variable's value is concatenated with another variable's value.
Ensure all session variables are initialized, especially when the session variable's value is used somewhere in your application in concatenation with other values.