
The Link control renders as standard <a> </a> tags.

To make the Link work, the Click event of the Link has to be created and the NavigateToPage action must be added to the event handler.

Add a Link


  1. Text

    The text to be shown in the link.
  2. Url

    The url of the link.
  3. Open in New Window

    To open the link in a new tab.
  4. Visible

    Set to False if you don't want this control to render on the page and be visible to the user.

Assigning data to a Link


To display a link containing a specific value as text:

  1. Add a SetValue action to assign the value from the query to the Link's Text property.


To include a URL parameter with a link:

  1. Create the destination page.
    • In the page's Properties section, add a parameter for the page.
  2. Create a Click event for the link.
  3. Add a NavigateToPage action to the Click event handler
    • Select your destination page
    • Select the value to assign to the parameter
  4. On the destination page the parameter will be available to assign (using SetValue) to a control or to a variable for further use in queries or other actions.


  1. Click

    An event that triggers when the link is clicked.